Who’s Your Best Friend? (More thoughts on my kiddies)

Everyone wants their kids to love and be kind to each other. Right? And to not fight… Our kids, as with all families have absolutely gorgeous, melt your heart kind of moments. They will share their food or toys, help each other up if they fall over, talk and play together and defend each other…

Happy New Year 2017!!! – Fireworks from Kayaks

Happy New Year everyone!!! I hope your NYE was as amazing as ours! A few days ago, I read an article about how boring fireworks are!!! I couldn’t believe what I was reading! I thought that either the person is an attention seeker, or they have some serious issues! How on earth could anyone find them boring?!?!…

My Ultimate Weaknesses (of last year…)

Well here they are…my ultimate weaknesses…Monetto luxury cream wafer sticks and Ferrero Rochers! These wafer sticks feel like you are eating air…but the kind of air that tastes unbelievably amazing and makes you so happy…? They make you feel like your craziest dreams are possible… Just think about it…how do they even make them?!? How…

A Day at the Zoo

Steve Irwin. I’m sure we all remember the name. The man. The legend. The crocodile hunter. Well his legacy continues at Australia Zoo on the Sunshine Coast, in Queensland, Australia. And this is where the twins and I found ourselves on one of the hottest days imaginable! ??? The weather was horrible! But we did get…